Tag: self

A set of scientific posters focused on stereotypes and self-image:
How beauty stereotypes affect teens
The canon of feminine beauty
Physical stereotypes towards overweight people during adolescence
Influence of physical appearance on secondary school s…

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A set of scientific posters focused on stereotypes and self-image:
How beauty stereotypes affect teens
The canon of feminine beauty
Physical stereotypes towards overweight people during adolescence
Influence of physical appearance on secondary school s…

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Bu projede insanların iyilik konusunda farkındalık yaratarak iyilik yapma becerilerinin yeniden kazandırılması ve iyilik çemberinin genişletilerek daha fazla sayıda insana ulaşılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılı…

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To be able to empathize is to put ourselves in front of someone to understand another person or people. The sense of empathy is a key element in social understanding and the transition from individualism to socialization. In the education system, 9th g…

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Autores: Iñaki Gómez Palenzuela, Francisco Iglesias Santos, Sergio Martín Martín
Este corto de ficción pone de manifiesto la dificultad de los protagonistas por comprender su mundo y construir su propia identidad, comenzando por no entender cómo aborda…

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Autores: María del Río Pérez, Lucía Cortés Hernández, Carlos Santos Bravo
Esta presentación (Prezi) ofrece una visión muy personal, con reflexiones individuales y grupales, sobre los conceptos de globalización, identidad nacional e individual.

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Autora: Nadia de la Nava Colmenero
Este ensayo aborda, desde un punto de vista filosófico, social y económico los conceptos de globalización, nación e identidad.
Objectives: Reflexionar desde un punto de vista filosófico, social y económico sobre …

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Autoras: Cristina Cuesta Sánchez, Jimena Hernández Sánchez, Ana Rodríguez Criado
Esta presentación aborda diferentes aspectos relacionados con la evolución del concepto de sociedad, la construcción de la identidad y de la nacionalidad, así como el fe…

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