How do social networks influence feminist movements?
Taking advantage of the fact that this week, Friday 8 March, we celebrate International Women’s Day, I wanted to talk…
Summary of two meetings with 10th graders, Hof Hasharon High School, Israel. 22 students participated: 7 girls and 15 boys.
Most participants seem to be concerned that various entities are monitoring their activity in cyberspace and are using privat…
Summary of meetings with 10th graders, Hof Hasharon High School. First meeting: 20.1.2019. Second meeting: 3.2.2019. 22 students participated: 7 girls and 15 boys. Each session lasted an hour and a half.
First meeting:
Most participants think that this…
Erkek egemenliğine dayalı olan ataerkil toplum yapısı; toplumsal yaşantıda cinsiyet eşitsizliği, kadının ikincilleştirilmesi, suskunlaştırılması ve nesneleştirilmesi gibi sorunları oluşturur. Bu projede, ataerkil toplum yapısının kadınların toplumsal y…
In today’s world, with the technological developments, human life has changed. Social media is one of the most important technological developments that change human life. In this study, it has been tried to determine the negative psychological effects…
Recently, the increase in antidepressant use constitutes the subject of scientific researches mostly. Increased use of antidepressants -especially by teenagers- reduces sociality and the quality of time spent with family, and this drives these teenager…