The new horizon of democracy
“Today, it is not that unusual to hear of people talking about e-democracy. It is a conventional term that describes…
Recently, the increase in antidepressant use constitutes the subject of scientific researches mostly. Increased use of antidepressants -especially by teenagers- reduces sociality and the quality of time spent with family, and this drives these teenager…
Bu çalışmamızın asıl nedeni çağımızın büyük bir sorunu olan parmak ile işlem yapmaktır. Bu soruna gidermek için yapılan bu çalışma tasarladığımız her bir kartta matematiğimizde bulunan dört işlemi (toplama, çıkarma, çarpma, bölme) ve dört farklı rengi …
Using the futures wheel’s results, the students argued that sustainability is an important goal, and youngsters, leaders and stakeholders should be convinced about the need to promote it.
The Students of the Tel Aviv Youth University – a project wh…
The Students of the Tel Aviv Youth University – a project which enables periphery high-school students to take academic courses on the university – have explored the future society. Representing the young generation perspective, they pointed out dile…
On their educational tour from the poverty of south Tel Aviv to the high-tech and the most developed and rich part of the city, the students of the Tel Aviv Youth University – a project which enables periphery high-school students to have an academical…
This is a poem about the dangers of digital implants. For animals, especially for dogs, it is common practice to implant RFID (Radion Frequency Identificatio) chips, in order to easily identify them when getting lost. Humans use implants in the size o…
This is a poem about the dangers of digital implants. For animals, especially for dogs, it is common practice to implant RFID (Radion Frequency Identificatio) chips, in order to easily identify them when getting lost. Humans use implants in the size o…