Tag: WYRED Platform

This project and its related texts deal with modern slavery in one of the wealthiest regions of the world: Dubai. It uses a journalistic approach and brings together information on the working conditions of foreighn workers (Text in German: “Moderne Sk…

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Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Noemi Ricci, ho 20 anni , vengo da Roma e frequento il secondo anno di Scienze Politiche. Nel mio progetto,”Fotografia che denuncia”, la globalizzazione e le disuguaglianze sociali fanno da macro argomento e da supporto al tema …

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Mathematical analysis of social partecipation and vote based on a questionary. It wanted to show how we vote, the thought of people about old generations, the relation between social partecipation and vote, the perception of social involvement and ho…

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