Tag: WYRED Platform

Autores: Juandiego Huete Petisco, Carlos Fonseca García
Este documental muestra, mediante storytelling o draw my life, un análisis de la sociedad desde la perspectiva de la globalización, y cómo esta influye en los diferentes elementos que la componen,…

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Autores: Alejandro Hernández Gómez, Sara Sánchez Herrera, María Sánchez Peix
A aquellos que se sienten culpablesde ser quienes son, que no encajanen ningún lado o que han perdidola esperanza…
Objectives: Crear un conjunto de textos literarios, …

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Young people from the “Produktionsschule Eggenburg” care about the environment.  “Jesseal” produces  a collage showing the dangers of nuclear power plants, being a steady real danger in the northern border region of Austria – the region where his schoo…

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Several people experience bullying in their lives,  which can threaten the physical and emotional safety at school  and can negatively impact the student´s ability to learn.  Paraxlivestream reflects on this issue and calls on so to be against mobbing….

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Vasile 75 – just preparing for an apprenticeship in Lower Austria – describes in a short text that he did not give up though some others said that he never would do. He made an effort and reached his aims and wants to encourage other YP to do the same….

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