Boundaries Observatory CIC

The Boundaries Observatory is a recently founded (2015) Community Interest Companythat focuses on developing new approaches to social research. The organisation organisesand participates in research that aims at understanding different facets of social change,especially around what technology does and what people do in relation to it, and as aconsequence how their understandings of fundamental notions may be changing, sincecurrent approaches to policy tend to ignore the deep aspects of human experience, focussingon behavioural change produced by technological implementation, at the expense of morenuanced exploration of changes in underlying understandings. Though this may give animpression of scientific rationality, the deeper relations between human understandings,human behaviour and technological implementation appear to be more complex. Our aim isto explore that. Much of the work focuses on the proactive inclusion of third partystakeholders, and the creation and cultivation of the community of participants. Theexploration involved in the Observatory which will be interdisciplinary in order toencourage the questioning of attachments to established theories and models. The staff ofthe Boundaries Observatory have extensive careers in social, educational and systemsresearch and in sustainability and intercultural issues.


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