The European Election Conference Call
The European Election Conference Call, moderated by Doğa Schools, was successfully held on 24th May 2019 at Şehir University with Doğa Schools Youth and International Delegates. Murat Mislimi was the online conference moderator on behalf of Youth for Exchange and Understanding which is the youth empowerment organization of the European Parliament from Belgium and 6 countries participated in the online conference meeting. These countries were Belgium, Macedonia, Spain, Italy, England and Turkey. Topics were what youth organizations do, how they are conducted and what are their activities, young people’s right to vote and their awareness, EU elections. At the end of the brief information about the EU elections that took place between 23-26 May 2019, ‘gamifyeu’ a game, which presents the data and contents of the past, current and future periods of Europe, was played. At the end of the game, students were asked to answer a quiz to measure what they have learned about EU elections.