Reflection about influencers

Influencer marketing is becoming more and more popular every year, in today’s world, anyone can be an influencer.

This gradual shift in digital marketing (political, business), combined with the increasing dominance of social platforms, has led to the rise of social media influencers.

The Social Media Marketing is a neologism used to describe whenever a popular online figure is paid to promote a product or service within their social media feed.

Their opinions have a powerful impact on people, especially on the young generation, for this reason, It is important to consider what influence do they have?  Particularly in relation to the common phenomenon of fakes news and information.

Fake social media influencers are everywhere around us and they are able to earn money too using the digital platform or promote for politicals interests false rumors and news.

First of all, in the world of influencer marketing the use of themselves for commercial purposes it’s normality, but what are the ethical and legal questions about this matter?

In a multibillion-dollar business, there are many opportunities for everyone to make money.  The results depend on creating an impossibly shiny bubble of envide life with adorable families, expensive fun, exciting getaways but no a real life. You can eat free if If you have a certain number of followers on Instagram (course, if you post a picture of food), you can ride for free and join the fun If you just sharing your travel’s impressions. Most of them are doing for love of sharing?

Or they want to have fame and money? Increasingly finds out news about some critical aspects: the problem of prevalence of social media bots, the lack of responsibility, particularly those purchased by influencers, politicians and celebrities in it will do anything they can to stay on top and inflate their importance online.

Mario Panzarella