The Impact of Technology Use on Individual Social Relation
With the emergence of the Internet with the developing technology towards the end of the 20th century, there have been many changes in the forms of communication and daily life. This except for taking part in individuals’ lives ıt was placed. Face-to-face communication in human relations is replaced by technological means started to receive communication models. Central to the way of communication in the virtual environment especially in social media. Individuals established with each other on the Internet all kinds of dialogue and interaction constitute social media. Communication of people, social media re-interaction, sharing and collaboration, work and learning processes ıt has a configuration. Communication between people is fast through information technologies. New socialization environments with restructuring developments affected people’s relationships with their friends and family. People away from traditional communication environments and adopt technological communication. This style new ways of communicating with people have alienated. These forms of communication have created their own counterfeit they have come to believe in identities and have even completely forgotten their identity. that ın addition, different problems emerged outside of communication. All of this In light of this study; technology tools, especially the Internet of students, the positive and negative aspects of the impacts on communication with schools and their environment. It was obtained.