Mobile Application to detect battery powered/electrical wheel chairs charging stations
This developed mobile application programme is prepared for physically handicapped people to reach the closest wheelchair charging station easily and fleetly from the place they are in order to make physically handicapped people’s life easier. The mobile programming was prepared in Hybrid language and during the preparation process it was benefited from the html5, JavaScript, .NET and MsSql Server libraries on the application Adobe Phone gap / Cordova. Also, this application has a web-based control panel. The application could be downloaded free from Google Store for Android systems. Today this programme could be reachable for all physically handicapped people for the sake of actively used mobile phones. In the content of the application, it could be possible to find the closest charging station. Besides, it would be possible to inform inactive charging station and remove this inactive station from the system. It can be possible to take the address of the stations from Yandex maps. At the same time, it was designed to be developed by all the users with smart learning. Owing to this feature, new stations could be included in the database easily. This application presents the opportunity to upload the station that the users realize to the system at once if they also detect the inexact station they can inform the system about this station. By means of technology, the application could keep itself up-to-date in the world that the needs could be changeable at any time.