“The most important thing about Cyberbullying”

The Northern Ireland WYRED group, composed of children from 10 to 11 years old, draws our attention to the problem of Cyberbullying.

As part of Cycle 2, one group of children from Tyrone, through their social dialogues and research gave valuable insights into this topic.

The Children were asked if they had a microphone and the whole world was listening, what was the most important thing they discovered about Cyberbullying?

“Not to Cyberbully cause it can hurt and treat people the same”.

“The bully never wins”

“Don’t Cyberbully because you don’t know what affect it will have on them”.

“If you Cyberbully, you probably have low self esteem.”

“ I would tell them, if you ever got into this situation, there is always a way through it, if you get help.”

“The effect on the victim is sad”.

“People look at cyberbullying in different ways”.

“Cyberbullying is hurtful and the wrong thing to do.”

“Lots of people get Cyberbullied when they are young and old.”

This topic challenged the children not only to think about the online world but also the real and lasting impact cyberbullying has on children and young people’s emotional wellbeing. The children decided that they could best reflect their research through a video that depicts the effects of cyberbullying.

We will display the brilliant artefacts of all the Children as part of the Final research phase.