WYRED at the European Youth Event 2018
During January 2018, YEU together with partners took the decision to take part in European Youth Event (EYE) and use the opportunities that it offers. As Project coordinator, facilitator of WYRED projects and a young person myself, I need to say that the process itself was exciting and very emotional. It required coordination, collaboration and networking with partners, organizers of EYE, Members of the European Parliament etc. Thinking of all these processes, it is important to share this WYRED story and specifically the EYE_WYRED story.
Going backwards, in this period of 5 months, a lot have happened within WYRED and I was fortunate enough to be part of it. But the most important event for me was our participation in EYE. Why is it so important I hear you say? Attending an event that more than 8000 young people are present causes excitement, fills you up with energy and expectations. Expectations that WYRED did meet.
Being able to reflect and self-reflect, it is the moment that makes you feel that we are at the point that WYRED empowers and creates a bridge between young people, children and stakeholders. Taking a look back through the process of reaching stakeholders, speakers, finding participants to join YEU group, building the agenda of our activities and so on and so forth, shows me that all of it totally worth it.
Welcoming 7 young people at a place that European decision making takes place, shows that what WYRED does, can and will continue to have impact. Thanks to the support of YEU, USAL, MOVES and DOGA, these participants got to experience the opportunities we are here to offer. The opportunities that WYRED creates. The chance to engage and discuss with people who decide, with people who can affect our future. However, this time, a group of 11 people made the first step to push for change. A step that WYRED fostered. A step that I had a small part to contribute in.
I truly hope that these 7 young people and their teachers feel as excited as I felt that weekend. A weekend that marked me and will make me #keepgettingWYRED.