Personal experience of children in regards to inclusion. Could digital tools empower them?
The objective of the group was to investigate how differences are perceived, the level of tolerance, inclusion and exclusion referring to the personal experience of children. Could digital tools empower them?
Methodology: active research trough an interview video in which it describes all the different perspective that interviewed children have on the topics mentioned above.
Target group: children aged from 6 to 10 years old attending a Children’s home.
Taking into account the incapacity for children to understand some terms or behaviours, a small tool like videos helped them comprehend better what was the context. Understanding the ages, it is important to use a relevant and friendly context. Discussion sometimes is not enough. Visual and digital tools are necessary. Specially as we and they grow in a digital era. This frame of bullying and extreme behaviours will be part of their lives offline and online. Therefore it is important to:
Stress the need to promote more activities in order to engage children into a discussion about tolerance, inclusion, exclusion and perception of diversity. That needs a balance between online and offline aspects with the use of various tools. That includes digital tools, that visualise examples and test the “understanding of concepts”.
To correctly explain the meaning of these words and teach them the importance of tolerance among different cultures and opinions, so with more probability they will avoid discriminatory and bullying actions when they grown up. Children don’t really know the meaning of discrimination and bullying and they see all their classmates equal. As this process connects to them entering the digital world very soon, it should also link this concepts on the online part. Today digital connects to both offline and online with no gap between them. Children are really open minded and fast learner, so we should put all our efforts to build up a new inclusive generation, using any possible means.