Tag: environment

Autores: Christian Castañeda Noguera, Jordi Resende Moura
Este cortometraje muestra algunos de los problemas fundamentales de nuestro planeta como consecuencia de la sobreexplotación, las guerras, la globalización, etc.
Objectives: Reflexionar sob…

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Young people from the “Produktionsschule Eggenburg” care about the environment.  “Jesseal” produces  a collage showing the dangers of nuclear power plants, being a steady real danger in the northern border region of Austria – the region where his schoo…

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This is the pre-version of an appeal which will be presented to the European Parliament at the European Youth Event in the beginning of June 2018. It is a focussed 3,5 pages text on environmental issues like pollution on the air or sea-level or polluti…

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