Online Privacy and Internet Safety
Topic: Online Privacy and awareness on safety issues.
Objectives: Behaviour of Young people on their behaviour online.
Topic: Online Privacy and awareness on safety issues.
Objectives: Behaviour of Young people on their behaviour online.
Topic: Employment and future aspects.
Objectives: Unemployment and prospects between local and international level
Topic: Innovation, Technology and Learning
Objectives: The impact of technological development in education
This is a scientific text about the evolvement of trading within and outside the European Community. A topic currently being of high political/international relevance when just thinking of the US massively questionning trade agreements with China or Eu…
This project and its related texts deal with modern slavery in one of the wealthiest regions of the world: Dubai. It uses a journalistic approach and brings together information on the working conditions of foreighn workers (Text in German: “Moderne Sk…
Industry 4.0 is a new revolution concerning the technical evolution. Furthermore, the new trend is called the fourth industrial revolution. It involves cyber-physical systems, the internet of things, cloud and cognitive computing. Due to the fact that …
Our world is currently filled with modern technology due to the noteworthy progress scientists have made in recent years. Artificial intelligence and robotics have become significantly advanced and are commonly found in the modern working fields. The a…