Our Digital Footprints- protecting ourselves
When? 23 January to 5 February
People can share most intimate secrets with their search engine when they go online. Without even thinking, we share medical, financial and personal issues and that’s as well as all the day to day things that make up our lives. All of this personal information should be private, but once we go online, for the most part it’s not. Our searches and clicks can be tracked, mined, and then packaged up into a data profile of ourselves for advertisers to follow us around the Internet.
Through WYRED, hundreds of children and young people have sought to better understand these aspects of their online lives. They have carried out research projects and shared their results. We have now developed a dedicated space here within the WYRED platform, where we would like to carry on more conversations about these specific issues. Do you feel that your data is being tracked when you go online? Does this make you change your behaviour? What levels of trust do you have with the online world? Should your searches be your business, and should you feel free to search whatever you want, whenever you want? Or are these simply aspects of life as we know it that you take for granted and are not worried?
Children and young people from within the WYRED partner countries will be coming together to discuss these and other quesions. They will be creating videos and other responses and will be looking for your feedback. Check in with the conversation threads below and let us know about your stories and experiences.
Are you between 14 and 30 years old? Join us on the international conversation about privacy
This international conversation has finished but you can join to other conversations here