The development of technology, the occurrence of new communication technologies, the rapid increase in the use of internet in the last few years, providing fast and easy access to everything has caused the disappearance of the time and space concepts. This situation is directly affected by people’s communication and interactions and socialization processes. Adolescents who are unable to discover their own talents and interests are experiencing problems at the point of use of the internet and computers. This misuse causes less and more isolated face-to-face communication. Not only internet usage between adolescents but also game dependencies are quite common in recent years. In this study, the negative effects of gaming addiction on socialization processes in adolescents aged between 13 and 15 years are taken into consideration and for these adolescents, a study on positive effect of the socialization processes is planned. The hypothesis of the study; while organizing class plan if students with low communication skills who are addicted to the game, and students with advanced communication skills who do not use the internet for gaming purposes sit together, the socialization processes of students who are addicted to games changes and their communication skills are positively affected. In the study within a 60 people group between 13-15 years’ individual interviews were conducted in a private high school. Later to the game addicts the Game Dependence Scale was applied. Based on the data obtained changes were made in the classroom planning of the students and finally the interview technique and observations were made. According to the results, there was no significant difference in the communication processes of the students for the first week, but after the second week, there was a significant change in the behaviour of the students. At the end of 1 month, there were positive developments in face-to-face communication with students’ friends and teachers.